Friday, April 6, 2012

Theatre Etiquette

Theatre Etiquette
When you go to a theatrical performance or are just watching a performance in class, it is important to be on your best behavior.  This is called Theatre Etiquette, or “How to have Good Manners during a Performance”.
1.     Be Quiet – This means no talking and no whispering
2.     Pay Attention – no dozing, no drooling, try to be awake and involved.
3.     Show up on time, and don’t leave before the performance is over.
4.     Arms, legs, and all other body parts to yourself
5.     Thank performers by clapping when appropriate
6.     Laugh when appropriate
7.     Cry when appropriate
8.     Turn off all noise making technology (cell phones, iPods, iPads, pagers, children, etc.)
9.     Treat others the way you would like to be treated if you were performing!